Overall I must say my visit was fabulous!
Everyone at E’tae was extremely helpful and readily answered my natural hair care questions. When I got there, the shop was packed, which made me feel a lot better about everything too! I was bummed that I couldn’t get a Carmel treatment because I had oil on my scalp but I was reassured that the other treatments would leave my hair feeling just as bouncing and soft—they weren’t lying!!! I do think that they should tell people how to prep their hair prior to coming into the salon, when they are making their appointments for the first time. So, I had a shampoo treatment. My hair was washed, conditioned and treated using Aloe, Preserve and Nutrient. Next my hair was blown dry (it air dried a bit—maybe 15 minutes) and my stylist clipped my ends and hot curled my hair. She put a bit of the Buttershine on my hair prior to curling it and then put some Watershine on it at the end. My hair was and STILL is very bouncing and light. My stylist suggested that I pin curl my hair for the first few days while I still have the curls and then roll my hair up at night or wrap my hair if I prefer a flatter style. Here are pictures:

I was also told that blow drying my hair once a week won’t damage my hair if I use their products correctly and carefully style my hair during the week (which I already do). So I think I am going to scrap my current hair routine and try this one, being that I am trying to go natural. Maybe I won’t have to get braids after all…
All in all, my drive to Philadelphia was truly worth the trip and I will be going back again soon. I purchased all of the products they used on me at the shop and I was given great instructions on how to use them at home. So check them out (http://www.etaeproducts.com/) and let me know what you think.
Update: When using E'tae Products they recommend using the Creme of Nature shampoo in the yellow bottle with the green writing. I believe it is the Ultra Moist formula.
I'm suspicious of the heat claims, but glad your experience went well!
just a question, have you ever visited any of the Dominican hair salons in Maryland? They work wonders with deep conditioners and roller wraps. You'll come out of their shops with your hair bone straight without all of the chemicals. This could be an alternative to doing this on your own.
Also, since I see you're in Alexandria, one of the best kept secrets on Richmond Hwy is the Hair Cuttery at Beacon Hill. I know two ladies who I go to religiously there, who not only focus on the health of your hair, but give great advice for products to use. They do great roller wraps, and blow-outs as well.
Good luck with your transition!
hi sunblack - i actually went to a dominican shop in alexandria religiously for months and they are the ones who gave me a bad perm and didn't really focus on the health of my hair.
you are the second person to mention hair cuttery esp the one on Rte. 1. Do they work with natural hair?
Thanks so much for the feedback :o).
they work really well with natural hair. I would definitely suggest you go there. I try to only get a perm twice a year so going to them definitely stretches out the life of my perm, even after I've been working out and everything. You should check them out. I was completely amazed by how good they are. There are two ladies, Aster, and Helen. Aster is my favorite, she does a great roller set and wrap.
I would be careful with the claim that the heat won't damage your hair. I had naturally curly locks that were completely destroyed by having my hair blow dried and curl every 2 weeks at salon e'tae. I had to cut my hair short and start over due to the damage. They put way too much heat on your hair, you might as well get a perm. I now stick to roller sets and occasionally get it straightened with ceramic irons and my hair never looked better.
I am curious about the deal with the oil in your scalp. I just ordered the products, and no one mentioned it.
In response to "anonymous". When I was doing my own hair (before the braids) I began to only straighten my new growth and now my relaxed hair as well. I agree that too much heat will destroy any type of hair so that was a major reason I switched to braids as a protective style. I wish I was bold enough to just do the "big chop" BUT I am a baby lol.
Hey -
I went to Salon E'tae and I was pleased!!! I took a road trip from NY w/4 other ladies and we ALL looked fabulous after our stylists were finished. I almost got a raw deal because my stylist didn't have the best skills - but the owner, LaKeisha ended up finishing my hair. All in all it was worth it ... now if I could only find an E'tae in New York!
Any suggestions!??
Hi Miss Jack!
I'm glad you had a good experience at E'tae salon. Are you going natural? Shoot me an email at HopefullyHappyAndNappy@gmail.com and I'll see if I can do some digging and find some names of salons in NYC with good reputations. Thanks!
Elisa,Your hair looks great. i have a few questions... How long were you in the salon? don't mind a busy salon if I'm not just sitting there twindling my thunbs. Salons tend to overbook and inturn you don't get the attention you neeed. please tell me this was not the case at E'tae. Also did you have a full consult or did they just go over the basics?
Your hair looks great. How much were the charges..? Do they also relax hair?
Thanks Taj! I remember I spent a lot that day because I bought a bunch of products too. But I don't remember them being outrageous. They don't do relaxers. Check out their website for more information and definitely give them a call. They are very friendly.
My experience has been wonderful using etae products; I have been natural for over 2 years and I have been using etae products for over a year. I don't think the hair needs direct heat like the dominicans blow dry your hair out. The shops I have been to does not blow dry your hair out like that and you still have the same end results as if you went to the dominicans shop. On Christmas my sister asked me, did I have a perm; that was funny she said that, because when I first started using the etae products I asked the same thing at the shop. Abstract Hair Salon located 17th & Snyder Avenue in South Philly is where I started my naturalism. It used to be on 19th & South, but when it moved to the Snyder Avenue location it became to much for me to travel. The owner name is Keisha.
Salon E'Tae is not worth the hype or the price. The owner was not customer-oriented at all; she was too concerned with dealing with the schematics of building her business that she paid more attention to that than to her current customer - me. I felt like I was a nuisance to her. FYI - They have stopped doing the carmel treatment, too. Now it is in the form of a shampoo...Carmelux. For $55, you will get a shampoo with this "special" formula, a blow out, and curl. I'm sorry, $55?? Way too overpriced. And the owner was ready to send me out the door as a hopeless cause after I had gotten shampooed (by a nice shampoo girl) because of my damaged hair. She wasn't even going to bother curling it until I insisted that she do something with it. At the end, it looked nice. I got the feeling that she is more comfortable with longer lengths and my hair was a challlenge she just really didn't want to spend time with. Save your money, ladies, and get a PhytoSpecific relaxer. I used this while pregnant, and while it was $60 for the kit, (sephora carries it) I must admit, on looking back my hair was never healthier. There was no damage done whatsoever because this is an all natural relaxer. The particular combination of products creates the chemical reaction needed to straighten the hair, as in nature. You just will not have the same shiny "coating" on each strand, so at first it might not meet your expectations. But it will do a good job without the harsh chemicals. Salon E'Tae was just a waste of my gas, time, money, and consideration.
its a shame that there is such ignorance in the world!! etae products are wonderfull. i personaly tried the new carmelux shampoo and absolutly loved it. please take all of the negative stuff about kisha and her products somewhere else. your hair is so damaged cause of those perms. lol looks like thats not the only thing the relaxer damaged. anyway, stop hatin on the products cause you mad that you jacked your hair up.
Wow! Ladies let's be nice ;o). Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
There is a new salon in philadelphia that is into hair care. It is called A New Roman Era, I'm not sure if any has heard of it, but it is a very professional and calm environment. The owner of the salon is very helpful about your hair and is excellent. U have to try this salon out. You won't be disappointed!
hey i just found a youtube from the etae company about the new carmelux line. check it out. its really good.
I went to the E'tae salon a couple of months ago, and it was a true pleasure. The staff was very helpful and informative. LaKisha, the owner, styled my hair with their new 'Carmelux Line". My hair came out very soft and straight. I will definitely be an E'tae Products user for life and urge women to try their wonderfull products out!
I have been using etae products since 2006 and have been natural since June, 1999. In May 2007, I cut my hair boy short and now it is at the top middle of my back. However, the new carmelux line is not as good as the natural carmel treatment. I was told , maybe improperly, that the natural product used with honey, molasses, etc had a short shelf life and that's why they moved to this more stable (read: not as good) product. I have looked online and found a carmel treatment recipe using all the natural products... email me with questions-
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