Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Engagement to Me!

A few days ago, I was pleasantly surprised to find a package at my door.  Turns out it was an engagement gift from!  The box of hair goodies included (in addition to the list, I got some trial sizes of some other great stuff):

So first things first, I must try something!  I just took a midterm today (I started writing this yesterday, so yes, I had a midterm on a SUNDAY!) so this is my treat to myself - some good old hair time.

I washed my hair with my medicated shampoo and KC Come Clean.  Instead of my normal deep conditioner (Redken Butter Treat), I used the Curl Replenish moisturizing masque.  My initial thought was, "Hmmm, why did I have to use half of the container for one treatment?"  So after detangling with KC Knot Today, I used a mixture of Moisture Stretch and Perfect Curl to two-strand twist.  Now before you ask me... yes, the ingredient list kind of sucks (for starters there is Mineral Oil in the Moisture Stretch).  After I sat under the dryer for a total of an hour, my hair felt super soft.

So fast forward to this morning.  I untwisted my hair and thought it felt very soft.  But as I was sitting in class and touching my hair... it felt kinda greasy.  Yuck.  So as of right now: 1 point for Curl Replenish and 0 for Moisture Stretch.  I won't pass judgement on Perfect Curl quite yet.

Regardless, my hair looks cute.

Afro Glitz Web Awards 2010 Finalist

Lovelies - I am now a finalist in the "Best Hair Blog" category for the 2010 Afro Glitz Web Awards!!!  I am so excited and want to thank you all for nominating me.  I am working on a post about some new products I tried last night.  I will post ASAP.  Hugs!