So I had this great idea to straighten my hair since it's not
as humid anymore - boy was I wrong. So I washed my hair with
Hello Hydration shampoo by Herbal Essences (it was on sale and I had a coupon - as far as shampoos go, it's pretty gentle). I conditioned my hair using my
BioSilk conditioner and combed through my hair with the
Knot Today detangler/leave in. I heard great things about
Paul Mitchell's Straight Works which is like a gel that helps keep wavy and curly hair straight, longer. So I used about a quarter size of the gel and blew my hair dry on the warm setting. So far so good - my hair feels nice and soft.
Next step - the straightening comb (calm down, it's an electric one). So I took small sections and sprayed on a
heat protectant by Motions. I actually like their heat protectant. It smells great and my hair was super soft. I find that a lot of heat protectants leave you hair crunchy. So below are some pictures of my hair only after the straigtening comb.
As you can see my hair still is pretty poofy. So next step - the Chi flat iron. I sprayed a little more of the heat protectant and then flat ironed each section. Mind you it is around 12 a.m. at this point. Below is the result of the flat ironing.
I still wasn't thrilled, but I told myself I would add some Baby Buttercreme and then wrap it and see what I ended up with in the morning. So the next morning, I bumped the ends and got the below result.
It doesn't look bad, but it doesn't look great lol. So it's official - I am awful at straightening my own hair and I will leave it to the professionals!!!! I clipped some of it up before I went to work, because as soon as I went outside, all hell broke loose! So that night, I braid my hair in 3 big cornrows and this morning I just wore it big and kinda wavy. Now I just have to find someone inexpensive to straighten my hair for me. HELP! :)