So remember that left over henna in my freezer? Well it was calling me! I had some already mixed and some that was still in the powder form. I let my frozen mix thaw (probably for about an hour or two) and then I added the rest of the henna powder I had. I brewed two green tea bags in about a cup of water and added the warm tea to my mix (probably about 1/2 cup). I had no problems mixing up the frozen with the dry.
I let the mix sit for about 30 minutes while I washed my hair. I added in about a tablespoon of honey, mixed, and applied it. After about 4 hours I rinsed it out and oh my goodness...I can see how people get hooked on henna!!! The color is fabulous, my hair is soft and my curls look so springy!
After my deep condition, I twisted my hair with KCC and Knot Today as I normally doand I am now sitting under the dryer (I usually let my hair air dry, but it takes 12+ hours and I need to catch a plane tomorrow afternoon).
I ordered some Punjabi Prime after I consulted with the folks at again. I want a little more kick after day one. I will definitely post pictures of those results. Not sure if I will see any difference.
I wish that I would have discovered henna a LONG time ago!
Damn you! I probably could've gone my whole life without hennaing my hair, but thanks to you, i have been reading about it for the past 2 hours (you now have a faithful follower, by the way) and totally plan to do it this month. Le sigh, indeed.
Hilarious! When I "discovered" henna, I was up all night and the next day scouring the blogs and YouTube to learn about it. Please let me know how it goes and I am so glad to have you as a "follower"!!!
Here we go again.. Damn... Damn.. Damn.. ( in my Florida Evans voice) I wanted to Henna SO BAD- then I got frustrated and over whealmed.. The site was TOO much for me.. I couldnt deal.. I logged off in frustration and said FORGET IT- Then Blog surfing I see this post.. agggghhhhhh.. off to TRY and order some Hemma
Wow, very intersting blog, I wont lie I am not much into hair, but still very interesting...
Miss Sixx - LOL. Hope you decided to henna! I'm due for another application this week!
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