Okay - so it wasn't a total disaster. My hair actually came out really cute BUT I need to get the hang of knowing how much product to use. I first applied the Knot Today leave-in (I still had some left in the bottle) and made sure my hair was soaking wet and I went crazy with the Kinky-Curly custard. After I applied it all over, I two-strand twisted my hair. I tried to stay up long enough for it to dry, but I had to go to bed and my hair was still semi-wet when I woke up. But it was cute... and sticky/tacky and still is! I am not quite sure what to do about that. Check out the pictures. I will keep yall posted!
What do you think?
It looks great!!!!!
Thank you!!!! My hair is still sticky though lol.
I like it too.... i have those same producsts and think I will give it a try this weekend! I need all the curl definition I can get.
I tried it last week and my hair was left sticky. Like you, I think I might have used too much. I washed it out after two days and will try it again tomorrow. They say as the days go on it wears out. Well, we'll see.
I've been wetting my hair everyday and more and more comes out and it is a lot better. So try that next time - don't wash it all out, but keep diluting it.
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